Llegan los BICHOS! Que version deberia mantener, la A, mas simple pero muy mona, 4 patas solo o la B con otro par de patas algo mas grandes que ls centrales. La opcion C es la que tube en mente al empezar el bicho, un un par de patas extra mas cortas que la version B pero con pinzas lo que le da un toque mas retro y marcianesco.

Dudo si dejarlo mediomanco por no recargarlo mucho pero tampoco quiero que parezca inacabada.COMENTAD COMENTAD COMENTAD! Cuanto antes me decida antes lo pinto (huh...beige...verde...negro? :D)


You can run but you can't hide from... the BUGS! Needed to do and old fashioned alien running from al those sophisticated clones of GIGER's.

Wich version shall I take as the final model? The simpler but cute version A, the extra legged (pointy) version B or the one with shorter extra pair of extemities but crab-like claws version C? In first place prior to sculpt I had in mind the crab pincers insect since I was looking for a retro sci-fi alien. I cant decide cause sometimes I feel it's bad overdoing minis but also don't want it to limp in details.

COMENT COMENT COMENT! You choose and the sooner you interact with this beautifully crafted website the faster will I run to my workbench to paint it (err... locust green, sand brown...black? ARGH so many decisions)


Le falta algo y no se el que. Tipo malote con cuernos peinados estilo nefarita. El suelo es papel de aluminio texturizado y pintado.

El esquema de color en general es aburrido y poco inspirado ( a mi parecer). Fui cogiendo de aqui y alla sin pensar en como se complementan los colores y todo ese mediatar previo al pintado aunque bueno, tal vez no este mal y este siendo demasiado autocritico.

Miniatura nueva en menos de 24 horas ¿ seguro ? (pensareis) Fijo que si! (respondo firmemente)

Hasta dentro de un rato.


Yeah, I keep writting this both in english and spanish... thanks for looking even if it's hella boring!

I find this paintjob unfinished, somewhat uninspired. I didn't care much while painting that poor bad guy nepharite-cyberdemon wanabee, unlike many of us who prior to paint sit and plan color schemes, complimentary tones, etc. Ok, maybe I'm too picky with my paintjobs (but sure I'm not). Base is decorated with texture foil, looks arcane.

Spect a new mini within 24 hours. You can bet. Really.