1000 HITS !!

1000 visitas, wow... gracias a todos!! En primer lugar comento que, conmemorando el hecho subire material "especial" ;) Este es el tipo de cosas que te devuelven a la vida.

Que no soy un as de la masilla es evidente; que fotografio peor aun (me he pasado horas para estos resultados), ni que decirlo... ahora bien, ¿ como pinto ? Pueeeeess, despues de un hiato en mi carrera como pintor (unos 7 años sin sostener un pincel) este es el resultado, del cual todo sea dicho, no estoy muy orguyoso. Incontables lavados de tinta se han aplicado para dar matices a la piel "zombie", etc. aunque los resultados no son deslumbrantes. Espero que estando pintada, la escultura en si reciba mejores criticas :P

A que jode no poner las fotos al principio? ala, bajad un poquito mas y voila, La chica zombie ! Para mas señas echadle un vistazo al cartel de cine de President Eeeeevil.

Base cuadrada de 25mm, rachola Barcelona.

.:. laZy Minis .:.

1000 hits, wow thanks for checking! Those are the kind of things that bring you back to life.

Yeah, my sculpts are far from good; I suck at taking pics of them too (this crappy shots took me almost a whole morning) but what about painting? well I've been out the busines for at least 6 years and here you got the results hoping that now painted the sculpt itself won't be so bashed like my last post (the plan is let the painting to take all the enemy fire ;) She's not blond, she's not alive, she's not Mila Jovov... whait, is she?

Multiple gazes were used to obtain genuine zombie flesh tones for this zombie babe,yet I'm not satisfied about how it came out (I think I like greenish zombies), no brushes were harmed during the making of this movie. Guess what? I spent a lot of time but I sure could have done this good (a 5 on CMoN?) a lot quicker.

Go check Rezident Eeeeeevil movie poster, capicci?

20mm square base with Barcelona tiles. Here the ground is almost as important as architecture itself so don't forget to check it out if you ever visit Barcelona!